Nine Hats Social Club
The Ideal Club
Priority access to releases and exclusive events, complimentary tastings, and discounts, but the glue that holds it all together—and what makes it truly fun—is the people.
We knew Nine Hats wine was good—but we had no idea the community would be even better. In the years since we started making and selling Nine Hats, a spirited group of fans has evolved into a real and vibrant community through our Social Club wine subscription.
Just some of our Social Club benefits
First in Line
Social Club members earn priority and exclusive access to club-only releases and events
Taste—On Us!
Social Club members receive complimentary tastings for up to 4 people every month
The Friends & Family Rate
Social Club members receive up to 20% discount on all wines purchased

Approximate cost is $105-$130
per shipment before tax and shipping.
- Allocations are offered twice per year, in spring and fall.
- 6 bottles per allocation. Choose between all red wines, or a mix of red and white wines.
- 10% discount on wine purchases less than a case.
- 15% discount on 12 bottles or more.
- 1 complimentary wine tastings each month during regular tasting room hours.
- 10% discount at Nine Pies Pizzeria.
- Complimentary entry to Bingo and Trivia Nights.
- Access to limited edition wines, when available.
- Complimentary tickets to exclusive Social Club pick up parties.
- Advance notice and special discounts on winery events.
- Ability to reserve our tasting room for your corporate and family gatherings, with 10% discount on wine and event rental fees.
- No cost to join!

Approximate cost is $185-$225
per shipment before tax and shipping.
- Allocations are offered twice per year, in spring and fall.
- 12 bottles per allocation. Choose between all red wines, or a mix of red and white wines.
- 20% discount on all wine purchases.
- 2 complimentary wine tastings each month during regular tasting room hours.
- 10% discount at Nine Pies Pizzeria.
- Complimentary entry to Bingo and Trivia Nights.
- Primary access to limited edition wines.
- Complimentary tickets to exclusive Social Club pick up parties.
- Advance notice and special discounts on winery events.
- First priority to reserve our tasting room for your corporate and family gatherings, with 20% discount on wine and event rental fees.
- No cost to join!

Social Club FAQs
1. How will you use my information?
Your privacy is important to us. We will only use your information for shipping, billing, and direct communication with Nine Hats Wines.
2. How will I get my wine?
We hope that you will join us at the tasting room in Seattle to pick up your wine, or you can have it shipped directly to your door. Wines that are not retrieved within 60 days of release will be shipped at the member's expense.
3. When will you ship?
Scheduled shipment dates will vary due to weather and membership start date, but generally we ship in April & September and will always email you in advance.
4. What is the commitment?
We want to be in this for the long haul with you, but for the time being we only ask that you remain in the club at least one year with an active credit card. Social Club allocations will be charged automatically for your convenience. After one year, membership can be cancelled with 30 days written notice prior to the next shipment.
5. What happens if I have to cancel early?
Early cancellation will result in a $50 fee to offset purchase discounts, wine tastings, complimentary events, merchant service fees and processing. There won't be a cancellation charge for memberships older than one year as long as a written request is submitted 30 days prior to processing.
6. How do I cancel my membership?
Say it ain’t so! In the event that you'd like to cancel your membership, you must email socialclub@ninehatswines.com stating your request to cancel at least 30 days before the next shipment. We cannot accept voicemail or phone-in cancellations and processed club allocations will not be refunded.